All new i470TC Dive Computer Review
When it comes to purchasing equipment, it is always exciting, and selecting the right gear is really personal and changes from person to person. However, we would like to let you know our thoughts on the i470TC Dive computer with this brief review.
First of all, dive computers are often one of the first pieces of dive gear a diver will buy and is considered essential by most dive operators around the world today. It is an important piece of dive equipment because it constantly monitors the diver’s depth, bottom time, NDL, ascent rates, air supply, and so much more information. Therefore, it is great that you can access to essential information in one look.
The screen is clearer and easier to read than its predecessor the i470TC. Scrolling through the menu is slightly different, but a lot easier to navigate through the settings. It self-activates once you hit the water, and you have all the information you need on the main screen as per the depth, dive time, no decompression limits, and air supply (when paired it with the optional Aqualung transmitter). During the Dive, the information is clear and you can find the GTR (Gas time remaining) by pressing the advance button while on the dive.
One press of the advance button and you can see the time of day and the water temperature. The ascent bars on the side are easy to read, and the safety stop counts down in minutes and seconds.
The watch can pair up to 3 transmitters and switch between 3 gas mixes as well, so if you are looking at doing any extended range Nitrox course, this computer will get you through.
As per other Aqualung computers, we found the smart Bluetooth function is also easy to use to download the dives on the DiverLog+ app.
Verdict: The i470TC dive computer is great value for money. It does all you need in a simple way and without fancy gadgets. We would have loved to see the compass feature on it as for the i450TC. Overall, we see it as a compact mission control on your wrist and at a price point that you can’t beat for the features on this computer. Feel free to let us know if you have any questions.